If you have ever been in an automobile accident, you are familiar with what a time consuming process it may be for you to recover your settlement from the insurance company. In the state of Massachusetts, drivers are required to have auto insurance on their vehicles, but at times individuals do not maintain their coverage. Have you recently been involved in an in accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist in the Raynham/ Taunton area? How can you receive reimbursement for your losses or possible injuries?
If an individual has insurance, but their coverage is not enough for the damages that were done, they may have to pay the remainder to you from their own funds. If a person is completely uninsured then they are personally responsible for all damages done. At times it may be difficult to recover all of your damages, and consulting with a legal advisor may help you in the process of getting what you deserve.
Your insurance company may decide that your automobile has received too much damage and will claim it a total loss. When this process begins, the insurance company deducts certain factors and fees from the value of your car, and it is important that you are aware of each item being deducted to be sure you are receiving a fair settlement.
At Wynn and Wynn, many of our insurance defense attorneys were former claims specialists, and have the industry knowledge you need. Call 1-800-852-5211 for a consultation today or click here.