Author: RISadlog

Protect Your Child From Bullying and Stalking on The Internet
Throughout the areas of Taunton and Raynham, it seems that younger and younger children are using social networking. With so many teens and young ones using these sites, we have [...]
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Your Business: What You Need To Know About Commerical Real Estate
The real estate market is a buyers market these days, and if you are a business owner in the Raynham or Taunton area, you may have decided that the space [...]
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Victims Of House Fires And Burn Injuries
It’s almost a daily occurrence  for residents of Taunton and Raynham to hear about a house fire on the news. Loss of property and injuries often result. Fires can result [...]
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How Massachusetts Car Accident Laws Work
If you or a loved one has recently been involved in a car accident, then you are all too familiar with the feelings of  confusion and shock which follows the [...]
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Homeowner Liability: What Laws Should You Know Before Opening Your Pool?
As the warm weather has arrived here in Hyannis and surrounding Cape towns, as a homeowner you may be considering installing a pool in your backyard this year, or you may [...]
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Suffering From Medication Side Effects- What Now?
The list of drugs and medical devices that are on the market that have been found to be dangerous is an ever-growing number. Unfortunately, these products are often expected to [...]
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Legal Options For Those At Risk Of Foreclosure
A sad reality in the Raynham area has been foreclosures and a drop in home sales. Though the market has begun to show an increase, some homeowners still find it [...]
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The Dangers Of Energy Drinks And DMAA
It’s no secret that Raynham and Taunton residents love their coffee. But many people in Massachusetts, and nationwide, have taken to another source to relieve their caffeine needs. Energy drinks. [...]
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Should You Be Filed As A Subcontractor Or Employee?
Many people in Hyannis and the surrounding area work as independent contractors, or sub-contract. It is common for many in the construction field, or home improvement business to be classified [...]
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Medical Malpractice: What If My Injury Did Not Present Itself Immediately?
Unfortunately for many residents of Massachusetts, or anywhere throughout the United States, medical malpractice is becoming an ever growing problem. Many times, injuries may not present themselves till some time [...]
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