Author: RISadlog

Real Estate Closing And Common Problems
Whether it’s your first home or your dream vacation home, buying a home can be one of the most exciting times of your life.  Most likely it’s also the largest [...]
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Drug Side Effects and Product Liability
With our lives becoming longer and busier, many of us rely on medications to improve or maintain our quality of life. For example, when we suffer from depression, need birth [...]
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You Have Sustained a Personal Injury, What Should You Do Next?
After sustaining a personal injury in an auto accident, it is important to protect your rights. These are the steps you may want to take if you’re ever involved in [...]
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Selling a Business
You only sell your business once.  That thought alone may be enough to keep you up at night when you decide it’s time to cash in on your years of [...]
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Workers’ Compensation Provides Protection
Could you imagine getting hurt on your job and the only thing you could do was to sue your employer in order to prove that they were at fault for [...]
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Drunk Driving Laws in Massachusetts
Drunk driving is one of the most common crimes committed in Massachusetts and usually by individuals without a criminal history. Anyone, from a mom who had a glass or two [...]
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What Estate Planning Can Do For You
Estate planning is a process that is misunderstood by many. Some people consider estate planning to be exclusively for the rich, famous or for the elderly. Others simply do not [...]
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Reduce Risk of Car Accident During Stormy Winter Ahead
The Northeast was quite fortunate this past winter, as the weather conditions were exceptionally mild and dry. However, it is predicted that we will not be so lucky this time around. [...]
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Wynn & Wynn launches new website
Raynham and Hyannis, Massachusetts based law firm, Wynn & Wynn Attorneys P.C. is proud to release their new brand identity and website for  The newly designed website is built on [...]
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