Author: RISadlog

Having A Lawyer Makes A Difference
Many situations in life require the assistance of a lawyer. Some may be obvious- when facing criminal charges or after suffering from a substantial injury at the hands of another [...]
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$26 Million False Claims Act Settlement Reached
Recently in Florida, one of the largest settlements under the False Claims act has been reached. Steven J. Wasserman, a dermatologist has agreed to pay over $26 million to resolve [...]
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Is Your ‘Independent Contractor’ Actually an Employee?
Tax season is upon us, and small business owners may be feeling the pressure that many people associate with tax time. Sorting receipts, filing paper work, making sure that everything [...]
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Swimming Pool Liability For Homeowners
  As summer is approaching in South Coast Mass, thoughts of warm weather, the beach, and swimming pools may be coming into your head. You may be considering installing a pool [...]
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Massachusetts’ Car Accident Laws
Being involved in a car accident can be a frightening experience. The moments after the crash can find you feeling confused and in shock. If you have recently been involved [...]
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Cyber Bullying and Cyber Harassment Laws in MA
Recently in the Southeastern Massachusetts area, we have heard of countless cases of “cyber bullying” and “cyber harassment” amongst teens and adolescents. Social networks have provided bullies with a completely new [...]
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Workers Compensation Claims Denied- Why?
Have you recently suffered an injury on your job in the Taunton/Raynham area, and filed your workers compensation claim? As you wait in expectation of receiving your compensation, a letter [...]
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Medical Malpractice- Massachusetts Statute of Limitations
Few things can be as upsetting as medical malpractice. Many times, injuries may not present themselves till some time has passed. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice [...]
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Free Consultations Are Now Easier Than Ever
  At some time in just about everyone’s lives, a consultation with an attorney will be necessary. Whether you are buying a home in the Raynham/Taunton area, starting a business, [...]
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Injured at a Sporting Event – Can Compensation Be Received?
On February 23rd 2013 in Daytona Florida, NASCAR fans at a race were thrown into fear as a car flew into the fence during the final laps- sending debris flying [...]
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