Author: RISadlog

Bad Faith Insurance Claims
In one way or another, we will all have to deal with an insurance company at some time in our lives. Car, home, health, life, if something is important to [...]
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Burns One Of Top Causes Of Serious Injuries
Burns are one of the most common accidents. They can result from any number of situations, from smaller burns from hot water or an accidental touch to a hot appliance, [...]
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Mass: 32 Workplace Deaths,1,800 Diagnosed With Work Related Cancers
Sadly, workplace injuries have become a reality on many jobs. A recent report done in Massachusetts, however, showed that at times more then just an injury may occur. The report [...]
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Can Undocumented Immigrants Make A Claim After A Car Accident?
There are many provisions in place to assist someone who has been injured in a car accident, but what if the person injured is not in the country legally? Does [...]
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Can You Receive Compensation For A Fall In The Grocery Store?
Items often get knocked over or spilled in a grocery store, and because of the type of flooring in these stores, it is unfortunately a common occurrence for shoppers to [...]
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Boston Bombing Victim’s Compensation Options
It has been two weeks since the horrible bombings that took place in Boston MA ,which left 3 dead and over 260 injured, and the city and the surrounding area [...]
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DMAA in Energy Drinks Linked to Illnesses and Deaths
  It’s no secret that Massachusetts’s residents love their coffee. But many people in Massachusetts, and nationwide, have taken to another source to receive that caffeine kick they desire. Energy [...]
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Do Tractor-Trailer Truck Safety Regulations Really Protect Drivers?
With the state of Massachusetts’ busy roads, accidents are a daily occurrence. When these accidents involve a tractor-trailer, however, damages can be extremely serious-or even deadly. Some safety measures have [...]
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Wrongful Death Suit Filed Against Freetown, MA Facility
  A wrongful death suit has been filed against Crystal Springs, in Freetown MA, a facility that cares for disabled children and young adults. The Pearson family, whose 21-year-old son [...]
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Homeowner Liability- Massachusetts Tree Laws
  A dispute between neighbors is something that is almost expected in the densely populated neighborhoods of Southcoast Massachusetts. At times though, these disputes can result in more then slight [...]
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