Author: RISadlog

Government Attempts To Deport Citizen Multiple Times
A recent case has shown the importance to all naturalized citizens to know their rights, and to know them well. Wilsonis Ayala-Villanueva was born in El Salvador in 1973, and [...]
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Small Business Owners Benefit From Legal Consultations
Thinking of starting your own small business in Massachusetts? The dream may have turned into a necessary reality due to downsizing at a previous job, or you have decided that [...]
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Wrongful Death Suit Filed In Massachusetts Cyclist Death
Summer is here, which means that many of us will be taking to the great outdoors for as much time as we can. Walking, running, swimming, biking- the South Coast [...]
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How Having an Attorney Could Protect You From Pretrial Detention
Worldwide, nearly 10 million people charged with crimes will be detained in the time period leading up to their trials. This process has been one that has come under review [...]
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Domestic Violence a Growing Problem in Massachusetts
In the state of Massachusetts and throughout the nation an epidemic is occurring; an epidemic that many people would rather not talk about, but one that has affected nearly everyone [...]
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Can Passengers in a Car Accident Receive Damages?
Just about every driver in Massachusetts will at one time or another have some sort of involvement in a car accident. The headaches and hassle of insurance claims that can [...]
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Business Law-When Investigating A Business Partner
Owning your own business can present many challenges and difficulties. Having a partner can ease the pressures of owning a business to begin with, and many extremely successful businesses are [...]
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Hip Replacement Recall Leads to Thousands of Lawsuits
Medical recalls are an unfortunate fact. We have all heard the commercials on TV, for medications with countless side effect warnings, or ads warning of serious dangers that have presented [...]
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Man Gets Job Back After US Department of Labor Demands He Is Rehired
As has been brought out in some of our previous blogs, workplace injuries are a common occurrence in the state of Massachusetts. Unfortunately, some jobs create many situations where injuries [...]
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Self Representation v. Using a Defense Attorney in Criminal Cases
In the instance that you have been charged with a crime in Massachusetts, as the defendant you may feel that given the time to do research, you could defend and [...]
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