Author: RISadlog

Understanding Consequences When Making Plea Agreements
When someone is brought up on criminal charges, in most cases a plea agreement will be offered to the defendant to lighten the consequences somehow if they are to plead [...]
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Woman Files Wrongful Death Suit Against New England Patriots
In September, 2010 Jeff Chartier brought his son to a New England Patriots game an hour and a half early, and were offered an opportunity to take pictures on the [...]
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Back To School- Bus Accidents
It’s back to school season, and many parents will be putting their children on the bus daily for their child to make their way to school. For the most part, [...]
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Mesothelioma And Mill Workers
Many of our towns in the surrounding Southeastern Massachusetts area really began to boom when mills were built in them. Taunton, Raynham, Fall River, and Boston were a destination for [...]
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Brighton Woman Dies In Drunk Driving Accident
A Brighton, Massachusetts woman has recently died after a tragic accident involving drunk driving. The 25 year old died after she was thrown from a golf cart. The driver was [...]
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What Should You Expect For Workers Compensation Benefits In Massachusetts?
Sadly, every year many Massachusetts residents are injured on the job and receive workers compensation. We have written blogs in the past on some of the injuries, and physical and [...]
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Search of a Vehicle- Do You Have To Consent?
It is common knowledge that in order for police to search an individual’s home, they need a warrant or probable cause before they can enter the premises. Many people are [...]
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What Is Mitigation and What Should Car Accident Victims Know About It
Being involved in a car accident can seem to present one challenging day after the next. Coping with injuries that were caused by someone else can present its own set [...]
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In Case Of A Hurricane, What Will Insurance Cover? Can It Be Disputed?
New Englander’s have felt a year of relief as we have made it through the 2013 hurricane season so far unscathed. After the damage of hurricane Sandy last year, many [...]
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Are Birth Injuries Considered Medical Malpractice?
Few events are as eagerly anticipated and awaited as the birth of a child. There are few things as sad and upsetting for parents as a birth injury, especially if [...]
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