Author: RISadlog

Filing For Taxes With Your Employee: Independent Contractor Or Employee?
Tax season is approaching, and small business owners may be feeling the pressure that many people associate with tax time. Sorting receipts, filing paper work, making sure that everything is [...]
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Car Accidents On The Rise This Travel Season
The next few weeks will be filled with shopping and travel for New Englander’s, and for residents throughout the Raynham and Taunton area this time can also be a time [...]
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Domestic Abuse Affects 1 in 4 Women Throughout Nation
Throughout Massachusetts and on a nationwide scale an epidemic is occurring; an epidemic that many people would rather not talk about, but one that has affected nearly everyone in one [...]
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Workers Compensation and Third Party Claims
Every year, hundreds of Massachusetts workers are injured while on the job. Most workers are aware of filing for Workers Compensation- which compensates the individual for wages lost due to [...]
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Can You Avoid Pretrial Detention?
Worldwide, nearly 10 million people charged with crimes will be detained in the time period leading up to their trials. This process has been one that has come under review [...]
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Product Recalls- Can You Receive Compensation?
Product malfunctions and recalls are a fact of life for consumers.  We hear about them so often that we may not pay much attention to them as we see them. [...]
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Business Partnerships- Investigating a Partner
Starting and owning your own business can present many challenges and difficulties. Some individuals decide that having a partner can ease the pressures of owning a business to begin with, [...]
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Coping With Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice  can be one of the most devastating things to befall an individual or family.  Many times, injuries may not present themselves till some time has passed. If you [...]
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Workers Compensation: When An Employer Willfully Ignores OSHA Safety Standards
There are many forms of employment that carry certain risks for those doing the work. Construction sites are full of dangerous activities for workers, and onsite injuries are common in [...]
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Determining Fault in A Car Accident In Massachusetts
If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you surely know that the moments after the crash can find you feeling confused and in shock. If you or a [...]
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