Author: RISadlog

Are Companies Liable For Drug Side Effects?
It has become more and more common for people to take medication. Just about everyone is on some form of medication, at some time in their life. For example, when [...]
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Are You Still Eligible For Workers Compensation With A Preexisting Condition?
The concept of workers comp is one that most people are familiar with. The basic idea is that if you are injured while on the job site, or while working, [...]
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When Do You Need A Lawyer When Buying A Home?
Whether it’s your first home or your dream vacation home, buying a home can be one of the most exciting times of your life.  It is also the largest purchase [...]
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Bus Accidents- Can Fault Be Found?
School buses are part of our daily routine, whether we have children or not. If we have children, we are most likely accustomed to the morning routine of making sure [...]
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8 Steps To Avoid Car Accidents In The Snow
Massachusetts and Rhode Island have had their fair share of snow this winter. With this week’s “surprise” snow storm, and 2 more snow storms on their way- it doesn’t look [...]
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Medical Malpractice During Pregnancy And Birth
Few events in life are as eagerly anticipated and awaited as the birth of a child. The excitement of the birth of a child can sadly be marred if during [...]
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What Responsibilites Does A Victim In A Car Accident Have?
If you or a loved one has recently been involved in a car accident, you may be all too familiar with the feeling of one challenged filled day after the [...]
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Options Before Foreclosure: The Legal Aspect Of The Short Sale
A sad reality throughout the state of Massachusetts has been the rise in foreclosures, and the drop in home sales. Though the market has begun to show an increase, some [...]
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How Are Product Recall Cases Handled?
In the past, our blog has focused on product recall cases which have changed the lives of many families and individuals. When these recalls happen and many lawsuits are filed [...]
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Workplace Violence- Are Employers To Blame?
In a densely populated urban area like Taunton and Raynham, residents are unfortunately accustomed to hearing of cases of workplace violence. Convenience store clerks are held up, food delivery drivers [...]
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