Author: RISadlog

Grocery Store Falls: What To Do If You Are Injured
Walking through a grocery store and hearing the call over the intercom that a cleanup is needed can be a common announcement in a grocery store. Items often get knocked [...]
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Does The Level Of Fault In A Car Accident Affect Compensation?
If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you most likely are aware that the moments after the crash can find you feeling confused and in shock. If you [...]
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Did You Receive The Compensation You Deserve? What is Bad Faith Insurance?
In one way or another, we will all have to deal with an insurance company at some time in our lives. Car, home, health, life, if something is important to [...]
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What Compensation Options Are There For Burn Victims
Burns are one of the most common accidents. They can result from any number of situations, from smaller burns from hot water or an accidental touch to a hot appliance, [...]
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Does Immigration Status Impede Compensation?
We have had many blog posts in the past discussing what provisions there are for those who are injured in car accidents. But what happens in the case of someone [...]
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Evolution of Massachusetts Civil Procedure
E-DISCOVERY AND METADATA by James M. McCarthy, Esq. & Anthony T. Panebianco, Esq.  I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE  The purpose of this Memo is to outline and briefly explain the changes to [...]
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Spring Storms And Tree Damage
Believe it or not, Spring is just about here in New England, and with thawing ground and spring storms, homeowners in the area will be dealing with some landscaping hassles [...]
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Who Is Liable For Injuries At Sports Events?
Massachusetts residents are known for their loyalty to their sports teams. There are no fans quite like New England fans, and it is the minority of residents who have never [...]
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Do The New Safety Measures On Tractor Trailer Trucks Work?
Few things make nearly every driver as nervous as driving next to a tractor trailer truck. Even the most experienced of drivers can be no match for the unpredictable movements [...]
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Wynn & Wynn Welcomes New Attorney
The Hyannis office of Wynn & Wynn, P.C is pleased to welcome Michaela McCuish as an associate attorney. Her primary areas of practice will include criminal, family, real estate, and [...]
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